Our Mission
The SPLURGE Foundation mission is to celebrate and honor the life of Jeremy Stovall by supporting his passions, bringing positivity and inspiration to children & college students who don’t have the resources available to them. Our mission is to provide a little financial relief by granting Perseverance Scholarships, and providing programs for at risk children in our community. SPLURGE was a nickname affectionately bestowed upon Jeremy by those who knew him well. Our mission is to:
Our Current Programs:
Scholarship Program: An annual perseverance scholarship given to (2) graduating seniors from Belleville High School & (2) students attending North Carolina A & T University students pursuing a career in Supply Chain Management. Mentoring Program for at risk children: Includes family life & school support, life skills, etiquettes, dress to success, communication classes, tutoring, and much more.
We want to express our love for our fellow man by supporting causes we hold dear to our hearts an our faith. We want to offer uplifting programs to encourage those who society might overlook. We want to inspire young minds to move forward confidently and boldly to success. How do we utilize your donations? All our programs are funded by the donations we receive. Funds that are raised are donated and /or used in future events.